Don't mess with my Twist Out!

When I first attempted the Twist out, it was about 3 years ago. It was a totally miss. My hair was a mess, nothing cute at all. Wash n Gos were the same, a mess. I thought, maybe my hair was too short.
The truth was I just did not know what I was doing. I was using a pick, comb, or brush trying to style it. Moving pieces with my hand trying to get it to fall right, and basically doing a lot of manipulation.
Looking back now I realize my error. The wash n go and the twist out are low manipulation  hair styles.  If you are doing low manipulation hair styles that require tons of manipulation, it is no longer a low manipulation style.
With the right knowledge, I was able to go back and revisit the two strand twist out.
My twist out are always successful when I am styling while putting the twist in. Meaning, I part my  hair exactly were I want my part and I put my twist in how I want my hair to lay.

My life is easier when my styles are in a 4 to 2 ratio. I wear my twist for 2 days, then a twist out for 4 days. Or my twist are in for 4 days and out for 2. That is how I maintain my hair, without stress,  until wash day.

When you take your twist down, remember low manipulation.
Apply a little oil to your finger tips before remove your twist to prevent frizz.
Gently untwist them.
Day one I wouldn't separate too much, especially if you are like me and want to rock your twits out a few days.
Separate the hair as it naturally wants to separate, don't manipulate your hair to go any other way than where it naturally wants to fall.
You could use a wide tooth comb or pick to fluff up your roots, I prefer my fingers.
Give your hair a little shake, enjoy the bounce and that's it.
At night, I do not re twist. I simply though my hair in a loose ponytail sometimes I tied it up, a lot of times I don't only because I have satin pillow cases. The older the hair gets, less likely I am to tie it up.
In the morning I just shake it down. Pretty simple. The bonus of the simple styles like the twist out is you are not doing too much to your hair. 
When you are not constantly combing or brushing your hair, it will retain more length.

Day Four Hair.
